CLIENT: N/A | DATE: May, 2017 What is a land constellation you ask? Well, they are all around us. Just Google something, anything, and they come alive. The secret is putting them all together. Each of these constellations was formed using the geographic locations of Googled keywords. It's like a star map right beneath your nose. Know how to automate this process and want to work together to build it into a site? Let me know. ART BICYCLE ICE CREAM T-SHIRT
CLIENT: N/A | DATE: January, 2017 The kaleidowarped series gives new life to old photos. In playing with gradients, filter options and reflections, these shots become bizarre new worlds. Pictures taken from all over the place, New York, Colorado, Minnesota State Fair, and more. CLIENT: N/A | DATE: November, 2016 In a bit of a minimal phase I made some posters of my favorite films. Such excellent films as the Oscar-winning "Brave Little Toaster Goes to Mars" and "Rookie of the Year" - with excellent acting from Thomas Ian Nicholas and Daniel Stern. Just having some fun, take a look! CLIENT: N/A | DATE: November, 2016 Being a beyond avid fan of The Twilight Zone, I decided to create minimalist individual episode posters. For each poster I tried to find something that is significant or unique about the episode, something that may not be as obvious as you might think. P.S. Rod Serling is the best writer of all time. Here are the results. CLIENT: N/A | DATE: October, 2016 A twist on my #100daysofnumbers. This time I re-imagined how our English alphabet may look in alien languages just by selecting a font, cutting the letter on both axis and rearranging it to be a completely different symbol while still carrying the same meaning. CLIENT: N/A | DATE: October, 2016 #100daysproject that I took on where I re-imagined how our English number system may look in alien languages just by selecting a font, cutting the number on both axis and rearranging it to be a completely different symbol while still carrying the same meaning and value. CLIENT: N/A | DATE: October, 2016 Well, it's finally here. A few months in the works, but I'm excited to release my new company/brand.... Second Sight Visuals! This will serve as a name for which I will start doing installations and light shows under.
With my first big solo VJ/Lighting gig at The Secret Circus Festival this weekend in support of my boys The Ancient Moon I figured it'd be a good time to start letting people know that Second Sight is here to stay. Now, you may be thinking, "why 'Second Sight'?" Well, let me give you a bit of background and insight as to how the name and design came about. "Second sight is a form of extrasensory perception, the supposed power to perceive things that are not present to the senses, whereby a person perceives information, in the form of a vision, about future events before they happen (precognition), or about things or events at remote locations (remote viewing)." - Our good friends at Wikipedia I first heard about Second Sight through a great podcast called Myths and Legends. In this particular episode about a Viking named Odd, a witch uses her Second Sight to see how people will die. Yeah, pretty awesome. Also, I've decided that eventually I just need to go by "Odd." So that story, combined with the description above, works really well in letting people know that they are going to experience something visually unusual. This way, Second Sight can cover a lot of ground and be an umbrella for me to host many types of events and experiments under. For the design part, I wanted to incorporate the eye. Not so much as a "third eye" (I think that's a bit overdone, although if people interpret that, that's ok as well) but more as an all seeing eye, a reference to the sight that I will bestow upon you. The triangle surrounding the eye (no, it's not illuminati... or is that what the illuminati would say...?) utilizes the gestalt principle of reification where your eyes create something that isn't there - i.e. the "triangle" is actually just cut out circles. This is to be a reference to psychological principles and perception that I aim to explore. Plus, having an illusion in my logo alludes to what I've got in store. Finally, I've got a working tagline of "Believe in Impossible Things." I've played around with how this may live directly with the logo but mostly as a rally cry to create modern magic. With all that in mind, see the logo work for yourself below! |
AboutThis is a living record of past projects and experiences from Second Sight Visuals. Use the categories below to find what you're looking for. Categories